Architects Registration Board

Architects Registration Board (Jamaica)

Architects Licensed to Practice for 2025

The list of Registered Architects Licensed to Practice as of the 27th January 2025

The following represents those persons legally authorised to practise Architecture in Jamaica for the year 2025 by authority of the Architects Registration Act, 1987, which states;

  1. Subject to Section 16, with effect from such date as the Minister may, by order, specify, no person unless he is a Registered Architect shall, in Jamaica –

    (a)   carry on the practice of architecture;

    (b).  take or use, in relation to himself, the designation “architect” either alone or in conjunction with any other words or initials in such manner as to imply that he is qualified to carry on the practice of architecture in Jamaica;

    (c)   take or use, in relation to himself, any designation, title, name, initials or description indicating or implying that he is entitled to carry on the practice of architecture in Jamaica.
  2. A person shall be deemed to carry on the practice of architecture if he practices any branch of the profession of architecture or if, by verbal claim sign, advertisement, letterhead, card or in any other way, represents himself to be an architect or, through the use of some other title, implies that he is an architect or that he is registered under this Act or holds himself out as being able to perform or does perform any architectural service or work.

    ALBERGA, Errol C.003'2025/034
    ALBERGA, Tracy A.1472025/036
    ANDERSON, Guenet S.056'2025/037
    ASHER, Stephen M.024'2025/038
    BASTON, Robert D.1332025/006
    BATTICK, Ryan2202025/039
    BRADFORD, Richard1992025/040
    BROOKS, Errol V. 096'2025/017
    BROWN, Rolbert S.099'2025/041
    BURTON-CLARKE, Denise2142025/042
    CHANG, Lydia E.1942025/043
    CUTHBERT, David L. St. G.1922025/001
    DEANE, Lincoln J. M.050'2025/044
    DOUGLAS-STEPHENSON, Camille2092025/024
    FERRON, Laurie S.1662025/007
    FISHER-CASSERLY, Maxine2102025/045
    FONG, Patrick Anthony O’Driscoll2412025/046
    FOWLER, Robert H.030'2025/047
    GYLES, Michael J.021'2025/025
    HEHOLT, Joseph M.1422025/026
    HESSON, Claudia C.2252025/008
    HOILETT, Shardae A. D.2342025/048
    HONG, Dahcia A.S.2262025/009
    IRONS, Marcus B.2312025/049
    JACKSON, Conrad A.1782025/050
    JOSEPHS, Richard K.K. 2352025/051
    KAMBUI, Kamau032'
    LAWRENCE, Imani Mowava2422025/028
    LAWTON, Jacquiann T.1192025/052
    LIM SANG, Chadrick A.2282025/018
    LOPEZ, Bruce F.1812025/019
    LYN, Martin E.1022025/010
    MADDEN, Isiaa N.1442025/054
    MARR, Gary O.025'2025/055
    MARTIN, Felice S.2002025/011
    MATTHEWS, H. Hugo1952025/030
    McGRAHAM, Donald A.085'2025/029
    McINTOSH, Lorie-Ann T.2022025/053
    McINTYRE, Raymond A.029'2025/020
    MILLINGEN, Jerermy E. V.1002025/056
    MORRIS, Bryan P.1012025/012
    MORRIS, Sheldon O.2402025/057
    MORRISON, Ruth A.168'2025/031
    MUNDA, Francois D. R.2042025/013
    NELSON, Lydia M.2052025/058
    O'CONNOR, David P.1892025/002
    QUEST, Winston D. D.1962025/021
    ROBINSON, Lucan O.1972025/059
    SAMUELS, John M.2152025/032
    SEIVRIGHT, Lisa M.1732025/033
    SHAW, A. Christopher067'2025/022
    SONRON, Patience B.1542025/003
    STANBURY-SMITH, Camiel S.1742025/060
    STIEBEL, Douglas O.060'2025/023
    TAYLOR, Mark A. B.1372025/004
    TAYLOR, Susan J.1252025/005
    THOMPSON, Janet A.017'2025/061
    VASSELL, Deno A.2372025/062
    WHYMS-STONE, Christopher L.1522025/014
    WILLIAMS, Sana A.2382025/063
    WOOD, Garfield O.1882025/015
    WOODSTOCK, Robert V.016'2025/016


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