Architects Registration Board

Mandatory CPD Categories

Be advised that a meeting of the Architects Registration Board (ARB), a decision was reached to accept the proposal by the Jamaican Institute of Architects (JIA) Practice Committee for the inclusion of mandatory categories or Core Practice Activities for the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements for annual licensure.

The JIA recommendation for mandatory CPD categories, will require approximately one third of the required credit points coming from one or all of the following;

  1.     Health & Welfare
  2.     Legislation/New Building Act
  3.     Professional Practice and Project Management

The mandatory requirements for CPD will come into effect for the submission of 2024 CPD points (deadline Friday 31st January 2025).

The accepted recommendation sees a revision to Clauses 4.0 of the ARB CPD Introduction Guide. With reference to Clause 4, the following adjustments have been made to indicate the minimum number of mandatory CPD points required:

  •     (Clause 4.1) Six (6) of the Twenty (20) minimum CPD points
  •     (Clause 4.2) Four (4) of the Twelve (12) minimum CPD points (Registered Architects between 60 to 75 years old)
  •     (Clause 4.3) Two (2) of the Six (6) minimum CPD points (Registered Architects who are 76 years old and over)

Attached to this email are the revised ARB CPD Introduction Guide and the ARB CPD Record Sheet to be used forthwith, that references the mandatory inclusions.

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