Architects Registration Board


In exercise of the power conferred on the Minister by section 23 of the Architects  Registration Act, the following Regulations are hereby made, after consultation with the Architects Registration Board:

    1. These Regulations may be cited as the Architects Registration (Architects’ Seals) Regulations, 2009

Issuing and use of Seals

    1. (1) The Board shall issue to every person registered as an architect, a seal to be called Architects’ seal of such type as the Board may determine.(2) An Architects’ seal shall be used by a registered architect to seal –
      1. any document specified in regulation 7; or
      2. such other documents as may be prescribed.
    2. Every registered architect shall sign and seal every final drawing, specification, plan, report and other document relating to the practice of architecture –
      1. for which that architect has the technical responsibility; or
      2. which that architect issues for any purpose.
    3. The signing and sealing of a document by a registered architect, using the assigned architect’s seal, certifies that the architectural work in the document has been completely and adequately performed.
    4. Every registered architect responsible for carrying out or approving architectural work shall ensure that all architectural work that is certified by an architect’s seal is performed by or under the supervision of a registered architect.
    5. (1) An architect shall not use a company seal to certify architectural works, and an architects seal shall not be used to certify company documents.(2) A architect’s seal shall only be used in the manner prescribed by these Regulations.

Documents to be Sealed

    1. (1) An architect’s seal shall be used to seal the following –
      1. final architectural drawings, specifications, estimates, plans, designs, notes and manuals;
      2. documents and plans attached to a main contract;
      3. reports conveying an opinion on an architectural subject, including an interim or preliminary report;
      4. final design drawings setting out layout and details and final architectural certificates

      (2) Where the design drawings referred to in paragraph (1) (d) are for construction, the drawing shall be clearly marked “FOR CONSTRUCTION”.

Documents to be Sealed

    1. (1) An architect’s seal shall not be used to seal
      1. draft plans;
      2. draft specifications;
      3. draft reports;
      4. other preparatory documents, unless so required by law;
      5. internal plans and other documents circulated within the office of the registered architect during design development;
      6. documents relating to architectural works for which a registered architect was not involved, either directly or in a supervisory capacity
      7. “as built” drawings;  and
      8. “for the record” documents.

      (2) Any document referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) of paragraph (1) shall be clearly marked “NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION” or “DRAFT”, as the case may require.

      (3) In this regulation –

      “as built drawings” means drawings of completed building works but not drawings of the original design of such work;

      “for the record documents” means documents which describe the completed building     works and include manuals and specifications.

Manner of Sealing

    1. An architect’s seal shall be –
      1. conspicuously affixed to a document and signed and dated;
      2. positioned –
        1. in the case of design drawings, in the allotted space on the right hand side of the plan;
        2. in the case of specifications, on the first page or cover sheet of the section to be certified;
        3. in the case of reports, next to the title of the author or the signature on the report, wherever the signature appears; and
        4. in the case of other documents, in a conspicuous place on the document.

Revised Documents

    1. Any revision of a document by the registered architect who was responsible for the original document shall be clearly identified as a revision and the registered architect
      1. re -date the architect’s seal which he affixed to the original document to indicate the date of the revision; and
      2. initial and re-date the revision.
    2. Any revision of a document, including the elements of the document affected by the revision, made by a registered architect, other than the registered architect who was responsible for the contents of the document, shall be sealed, signed and dated by the registered architect making the revision.
    3. (1) Where documents are created, revised or produced on computer, the registered architect shall ensure that the compute data base contains information, including the seal number identifying the registered architect who created or revised the document.(2) Where revisions are made to documents under paragraph (1) using a computer, the registered architect who made the revision shall ensure that the database on that computer contains information identifying him,
    4. A registered architect shall not –
      1. permit another person to use the architect’s seal issued to him; or
      2. use such a seal issued to another registered architect.
    5. When a registered architect is not using his architect’s seal he shall ensure that the seal is kept in a secure place.

Return of Seals

    1. (1) An architect’s seal issued to a registered architects remains the property of the Board.(2) A registered architect whose registration has been –
      1. cancelled;
      2. suspended; or
      3. made subject to the imposition of specific conditions by the Board, shall return the seal to the Board forthwith, on his being informed of the cancellation, suspension or imposition.
    2. A temporary registered architect shall return forthwith the architect’s seal to the Board when the period of his temporary registration has expired.
    3. A specially registered architect shall return forthwith the architect’s Seal to the Board once he ceases to be so registered.


  1. Any person who contravenes the provisions of these Regulations is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction in a Resident Magistrate’s Court to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding thirty days or to both such fine and imprisonment.
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